Emotional Intelligence EI – A Different View
It seems that the abbreviation everyone used to use for emotional intelligence was always ‘EQ.’
I suppose the reasoning behind the slight misnaming was to draw a parallel to the measurement of intelligence quotient, thereby suggesting to those who value IQ measurements shift their attention to the value of evaluating and enhancing EQ.
Besides, EQ has a nice ring to it.
However, I see lately that the proper abbreviation for emotional intelligence EI is used more and more. And it got me thinking…
If you were coming from the perspective that emotional proficiency is linked to a cognitive ability, perhaps EQ would be better to use. Is it really linked to the function of gathering and interpreting information?
If you take someone who demonstrates true emotional intelligence and asked him or her to describe their process for handling a troublesome situation, chances are they won’t be able to narrow their process down to a logical, pre-determined sequence of actions.
In other words… they operate intuitively…
Which brings me back to a different view of emotional intelligence EI… Emotional Intuitiveness.
Isn’t it true that to successfully navigate emotions, you must operate more from a feeling level, rather than an intellectual one?
After all, emotional intelligence involves connecting with others at a deeper level. It involves empathy. It involves higher values.
This enters the realm of fuzzy logic, way beyond the measurable IQ.
Hence, the new view of EI: Inserting Intuitiveness to Emotional Intelligence EI.
But how do you develop intuitiveness?
Well, what if didn’t have to develop it? What if you already possess all the intuitiveness in the world, and all you need to do is uncover it?
By uncovering it, I mean that straight-forward concept that… all you have to do is drop the thoughts, feelings, mental programming… whatever it is that blocks you from operating intuitively right now.
Just think back to a time you demonstrated intuitiveness, yourself. Did you feel clear and calm? Were you unencumbered by emotional and mental turbulence?
And what was the result? You just knew the answer—you had that answer within a split second.
Now think of a time when you came up with such an intuitive answer… and it was about a subject you knew nothing about.
You had no prior knowledge of a particular topic, but maybe a coworker came to you with a problem and you instantly had a clear answer. And it was the right answer.
That’s recognizing the intuition in emotional intelligence EI.
I relate those scenarios to you fully knowing you’ve experienced them first-hand. That’s because this thing we call intuition is simply a natural ability that every single person on this planet possesses.
If you’ve ever looked up to someone who possess a massive capacity for emotional intelligence EI, EQ, or any other form of intuition or high self-awareness…
There’s not one iota of difference what separates them from you.
It just take a measure of skill, a bit of effort, and the right techniques to knock out the emotional and mental blocks that stand in the way.
To discover how you can develop your emotional intelligence – EI, download our free report now . You will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is.
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