What Is Emotional Intelligence
What is emotional intelligence? It’s your ability to identify and reason with emotions, how you can control emotions to enhance thought. It is now becoming much better known and written about since a lot of tests have shown that your emotional intelligence can dramatically affect how much success you will encounter.
Emotional Intelligence
According to Daniel Goleman, a top psychologist who has written several books on emotional intelligence, his first being “Emotional Intelligence” (1995 Bantam Books),IQ is not the most important factor in determining success. Yes it is a factor because you still need it to get in to your field, but once you get that first job where everyone else has a similar IQ to you, how can you stand out and rise above the rest to become one of the future CEO’s, well that’s where emotional intelligence comes in. Someone with a high EI will know how to interact with the boss to get that promotion, or know how to inspire the crowd to get them buzzing for more, not only that but they will be able to manage their personal relationships much better and peace at home will naturally spill over to work.
The psychologist lecturer David McClelland said in the seventies that when looking for the perfect person for a job you shouldn’t look at their IQ or other tests. He instead stated that you first look within the organisation and at the people who in the past held that job. Then try to identify the traits and abilities found in those who were best at that job and compare them to the traits of those who were just average. Now you know the traits that make a good candidate employ someone with the right traits and abilities. It isn’t hard to see the wisdom in these words how do you know if someone will succeed in a job if you haven’t looked at what made the previous people good. This has evolved so what you can now do is correlate EI tests and get someone for the job with the right emotional intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence – Motivation
One of the ways that emotional intelligence really affects people is motivation, if something is hard why not just give up? Now if you have a good emotional intelligence there are behavioural centres in your brain reminding you how good you will feel when you complete the task everytime you feel like giving up. These people won’t need a stick to get them to do something as they are their own motivation.
Emotional Intelligence – How the brain reacts to stress
Another way good emotional intelligence can manifest itself is when it comes to stress. If you put someone under stress most of the higher thought areas of the brain will shut down and out comes the primitive brain telling you whether to fight, flea or freeze. In day to day interactions you aren’t likely to encounter the sort of situation where to need to do any of those actions. Instead you will often be tasked with situations where you really need the higher thought processes that you just shut down. Now in steps someone with a high emotional intelligence who can calmly control their state and override this primitive part of the brain so they can calmy chose the right path of action. Hence you can be as clever as you like but if you cannot control your state under stress (emotional intelligence) you will constantly making rash decisions and find it hard to succeed.
To find out how you can master your own Emotional Intelligence to achieve ultimate success in your personal and working life please download our free report.
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