Emotionally Intelligent Feedback

With access to an awareness of her own Enneagram style (style Nine), Sarah would’ve realized that her fear of conflict was a result of a deep desire to not experience disconnection and disapproval from people around her. She would’ve learnt that avoiding conflict in her life was an habitual coping strategy that made her comfortable only in the short-term. She would’ve been invited to consider how ‘conflict avoidance’ is actually a form of self-forgetting where she doesn’t acknowledge or value her own opinions and needs. This leads to her being overlooked and taken for granted, and often results in later worse conflict when issues are not addressed in time. Sarah might have learnt to embrace and view conflict as a necessary part of healthy and productive relationships (and feedback conversations) where her perspectives made a real difference.

Enneagram EQ Resources for Joe

With awareness of his own Enneagram style Joe would’ve realized that his suspicion and defensiveness was a rather ineffective way of managing a deep anxiety about his safety and sense of belonging to the team and organization. In fact, his behaviour only reinforced his fears by pushing others away and making them team up against his overly defensive style.

The Enneagram would’ve encouraged Joe to realize and trust that he has very real skills and characteristics that brought huge value to his team, and for which he was appreciated. For instance, as a Style Six Joe has a remarkable ability to identify problems and underlying risks before anybody else in his team can. However, Joe would’ve learnt that he could ‘switch off’ his problem-focus and rather anticipate more positive outcomes with his workplace relations

These are just a few brief examples of how the Enneagram could’ve empowered Sarah and Joe to respond to the feedback process with less of their habitual reactivity, avoidance, and fear. Managing these habitual personality patterns are the key to emotionally intelligent feedback processes.




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